A day in China!

A day in China!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An Afternoon of Shopping!!!

Well, I have decided to try to be better about telling you more of what I do and how I live life...like how I survive here. One of the questions I get asked the most from my students is, Can you speak Chinese and if not how do you survive? lol This is a legit question and very important to them. Food is the biggest thing they think about most days...They are constantly wondering if I eat here. I mean, what do they think? I just walk around aimlessly hoping for some American food to just appear? Negative! One of my favorite past times in America is going to HEB:-) AHhhh just typing those letters make me sad:-( Oh well, an afternoon of strolling down the isles looking for what I need and exploring my creative cooking options...of course this happens best when I'm alone. It is therapy for me:-) My first trip to the grocery store here was a bit overwhelming. Walmart is not any more my friend here as it is in the states so I avoid it like the plague! But I must say, today I rode my bike to the JKMall(supermarket). The supermarket I normally shop at is being remodeled( currently looks like a war zone), So I decided to venture out to another store. It was about a 15min. Bike ride and today was very beautiful:-) I brought my backpack to fill up...they don't bag your items for you or give you bags...you can buy bags or bring your own. I always bring my own!! So, I realized when I get there that it had also been remodeled since the last time I had been there. WOW, I had such a wonderful time strolling down the isles and looking for what I needed! i was so surprised at the foreign food I found! I realized that I could have grocery store therapy again:-) For this girl....that's such a great thing! I failed to remember that I was in China and had to carry everything back on my back and in my bike basket...hmmmm. The best part of the day was when I realized the lady at the Bike area(We leave our bikes in a special area while we are in the store so they don't get stolen...it's only 5 jiao...50cents.) was laughing at me and asking her husband to watch me. My backpack was packed to the max and then the basket was packed and I had to carry the bread in my hand:-) LOL....I had so many looks as I rode back to my apartment like that. I mean, I have looks anyway, I'm a foreigner, but today I felt like a spectacle!!! I hadn't been to the store in about a month and a half...so I needed to get some stuff! Hope you enjoy the pics!!!
Oh yes, Mr. Potato Head Chips...lol
Some items i was very happy about!! Bananas, Butter, Yogurt, Cheese, and Wheat Bread:-) The Wheat bread, Butter and Cheese are sparse in these parts...which make this pic soooo much better:-)
The fruit is one of my new favorites!!! Yozi:-) It is like a giant grapefruit/orange! Then I found some BBQ sauce!!! The crackers are like saltines and then i found some dried Kiwi!!!!
This is the way they try to get you to buy chinese milk...they attach a free gift:-) This brand is one of the ones I like:-)
I was overcome with JOY to see this ORGANIC MILK...like real milk from a cow!!!! Now I found it in the dry good section and it has been imported from Australia....But I'm sure it will be amazing!
Butter...a special treat!
This is the section of the store where you buy yogurt drink....everyone drinks this:-)
This is the snack section....many sweet snacks and salty snacks can be found here...you bag it yourself and wait in a line...well...an area, and get your stuff weighed! It's another area to just throw your stuff on the scale:-) Today this girl walked up while one of mine was being weighed and just looked at me...I was thinking, is she going to try to cut in and throw her stuff before me? But NO...to my surprise she waited and didn't even try:-) I smiled at her and felt so happy...LOL It's the little things...
And this my friends is how they buy milk...in small boxes. They are individually boxes, boxed together. All kinds...of course I can't read to understand what they mean but I'm pretty sure the shelf life is pretty long...Oh to taste the fresh milk from a COW again!
And this was a shirt I found...I took the pic in honor of my friend Nathan M. Who LOVES Audrey:-) This is very typical for a shirt here....many people wear shirts with sayings they don't understand...and some of them are very inappropriate! If they only knew that wearing a pink shirt with tedy bears on it doesn't make inappropriate saying any better! Oh China!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

...You Make me throw up!!!

This blog is going to talk about the horrible things they do in China...and my horrible I mean nasty, grose, disgusting, disrespectful, makes this southern girl want to PUKE!!! Ok I think you get it! I always try to write uplifting, happy things but I felt it necessary to let you in on the OTHER parts of my life....so hold on to your seat...here we go...
1. When driving down the RD...line in the St mean nothing...drive where ever you get an opening. By that I mean, if you can hop the curb and drive on the sidewalk to get me there faster...then by all means DO IT! Don't think twice...
2. Car Seats? Oh we have never heard of these...? You mean the children that sit on parents lap in the front seat of the Taxi aren't safe? or better yet...the tiny little 3yr old clutched on to her parent as she sits on the back of the motor bike.
3. Please don't think that all of us here are waiting to check out at the store...I mean we just like standing and the check out...it's fun! Please push me out of the way and put your stuff on the counter and look at me like you don't care. Oh and lines? what are those? I mean it is more like, who can push harder and look more upset. In China we must weigh our produce and that can take hours if you don't like to just throw your stuff on the scale before someone else does...Just wait for the right moment and throw it!
4. BODILY FUNCTION....aren't we all proud of them? I mean hocking a lugie in the middle of class and spitting it on the floor while I'm teaching is no big deal. Please by all means burp as loud as you can at all times and spit everywhere...bus, Walmart, Class, Cafeteria, random restaurants...Oh and when your children need to go to the bathroom....just pull their pants down and let them go on the sidewalk or the flowerbeds or even hold them over the trash can if you are really kind:-) Please force your dogs to mate in the middle of the ST!!!! AHHHHH
5. Random dogs are totally allowed to run free in the classrooms....I mean they might have rabies and look and smell worse than the WC but let them roam anywhere they desire! Oh and please, students, hold them in your lap!
6. DRINK HOT WATER!!! It is the cure all!!! If it becomes fall, and by fall I mean the first day of October..wear all your winter clothes! Even if it's hot...and if you don't random Chinese women will walk up to you and yell at you and point to the parts of skin they see that need to be covered because you might die of Chill!
7. Manners? I don't think we have those...can you explain? Like when the bus comes to the stop and there are so many people on that you can't breathe....please people...keep coming...I'm sure that my bubble doesn't even exist anymore! Oh and if you think that i am in your way please push me as hard as you can to get past me or stand RIGHT in my face!! It's so much more fun that way....

OK....well, this is not even the tip of the ice burg but this happens...oh about everyday:-) Patience, and patience and patience and love oh and did I say patience....is greatly needed!!! PR FOR ME TO BE MORE PATIENT:-) I really love it here:-) for real!!! I just want you to understand....lol

Pics from the last month!!!

Jay and I had a great time with the family and our Waiban at the Tea Market!!
Li Ping and I at the bowling ally!
Yola and I waiting to Bowl!
The crazy experience of pumping gas into taxis...yep, you pop the hood, open the trunk and everyone must get out of the car. Then they pump the gas into the tank from under the hood...CRAZY!
Go LSU!!!! Our morning of Football with the Awesome LSU friends from Huangshi!!!
Us southern girls have to stick together...even though I didn't go to LSU I cheered for them, In my Astros Shirt:-)
We had a great time when our friends form Huangshi came for a visit!!! This is a pic from a bus ride...it was interesting for sure!!!
Halloween in Wuhan:-) Trevor had me held up in Aloha after we helped all the kids celebrate American style!
Some of us girls went to a near by city to relax at some hot springs...it was kind of like Jurassic Park in China:-)
Kirk and I had fun carving a chinese pumpkin..and then I made some pumpkin bread:-)
My friends Mandi and Rebecca, and I enjoyed a wonderful night with frozen yogurt...But it was a little on the Chinese side...Oh for some Tutti Fruiti!!!
Aloha Anniversary dinner...Inga and I played duets together and this is also our friend Rebecca!
This was my class of basketball players/sports majors!!! I love these guys!!
Look out China...this TX Girl isn't kidding around....I organized a line dance/live music TX style and taught all the foreign teachers at my school. We then performed it for our University's Anniversary Celebration:-) It was soooooo much fun!
This is the crazy group of us that performed!!!! Fun memories:-)

Long Time, No Blog:-(

Sorry for the LONG time of no blogging!!!! I have missed it very much but I must admit my busy life here is in full swing! I think I am addicted to busy...My friends, all over the world, would most likely agree:-) As strange as it sounds, it makes me so happy to be busy:-) Especially if I am busy with people!!! I LOVE PEOPLE!!!! So...Since it has been about a month and that would take a book to recap all that has gone on, I will just hit the highlights:-)
I Enjoyed a wonderful World Series this year!!! Baseball is a passion of mine and I have realized being here has made me so aware of how much I love sports. I guess it's because I can't just watch them any time I want! But my friend Ryan was so sweet to let me come and watch games at his place in Wuchang. It is on the other side of Wuhan but if I didn't have to teach the next day I would treck across and watch the games at all kinds of crazy hours:-) He has streeming from his parents TV in Michigan to his computer:-) We have also enjoyed some football:-) I haven't been able to go for as many of those games but if I am in Wuchang I try to watch sports of some kind....it is very comforting:-) Oh and by the way....Way to Go SHSU for being #1 in the Southland Conference for football!!!! ESPN online and I have become great friends:-)
I have had the opportunity to become really good friends with some chinese students and a Teacher. I have been to my teacher friend's home for lunch and had many good talks with her. She is a very caring woman and I love her. Please be lifting her up...She needs the Father! I have one friend who is very close to making a decision...She needs understanding! Also, recently I was asked my a friend/student to read the Book with her and help her understand. I was blown away...HE is so faithful to bring those opportunities! She is very clear about being atheist but she thinks the knowledge of the Book will help her understand Wester Countries:-) I know that she is searching!!!!! SO exciting!!! Tomorrow I will be having lunch with one of the Deans of the English Dpt and his friend. He wants me to tutor his friend in English. I know the Father is going to equip me but WOW...I feel a bit inadequate!!! It should be interesting:-)
This weekend my Thursday night small grp got together and went bowling:-) It was fun to do something very "American" for a change! On Saturday we had a wonderful Thanksgiving time with a family from our fellowship! They invited everyone over for Thanksgiving!!! They had Turkey and we all brought the fixins! I have had a rough week health wise(Bronchitis) and so I didn't stay the whole time but it was wonderful!! Then on Sunday, after fellowship a fellow teacher and I went around Wuhan with a family to spend time with their son. He is in middle school and wants foreign friends. It was a lovely time. Our Waiban also went with us!
Thanksgiving is this week...I must admit it feels quite strange to know that it will just be another day here but I am excited to get to volunteer at Aloha for their Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday and Friday. Saturday all of the ZR team will meet and have Thanksgiving at Aloha, together:-) This will be wonderful! This will be my second Thanksgiving in China:-) I was here in 2007 with the SHSU Orchestra tour!! Kind of excited to make this new tradition...little did I know then:-)
BIGGEST NEWS.....I FINALLY GOT MY BOXES!!!!!! LOL...for t hose who didn't know, my 3 boxes have been stuck in customs for 3 months...this week was the week for boxes! I received a box with AMAZING birthday treats from my parents and friends at home. I actually let the box sit for about 2hours in my apt before opening it. I knew it was going to be emotional. Yep...burst into tears. But it was good....It had all the pics from my going away party...I looked at them for about an hour...and cried! I realized how much I miss everyone. I am SOOOOO beyond happy to be here, living my dream, but I do miss everyone! Sometimes I can push it down but not this week! Then the very next day all 3 of my other boxes came....I held it together pretty well until I watched the video from my going away party. My friends said little things to me on the video and well....I lost it! It was wonderful...but emotional. I really love hearing from you all!!! Thank you for PRing for me...The Father is working in such a mighty way here and I wish I could tell you everything....remember to also PR for His protection for us. Ps...20...very encouraging to me this weekend. HE is making all things for His Good...even when they don't seem good at the moment. Rom. 8.... and Phil...1...6. I cling to those truths!!! I will write a few more blogs...one of just pics and the other....well...you will find out!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pics of my life the last few weeks!

These are some of the other performers that participated....lol their costumes were very elaborate!!! Some of them are my students:-)
I joined in at the beginning and end with my fiddle:-) It was so much fun!!!
The Band
This was us on the stage!
The Crazy Foreigners who performed the Copperhead Rd:-) I love these ppl!!
Some little girls what were sitting next to us at the waffel place! They were so cute and spoke English pretty well:-)
Lesley, Mandi and me sitting on toilets at the waffel place in Huangshi...This place was so funny!!
This is my friend Linda and the beautiful performance we went to!!

Yesterday we surprised Beau for his birthday:-)

This is Arron and Nathan T.(My brother from another mother:That's what I call him:-)) Also Rebecca in the back! She and Nathan teach here at Jianghan with me. Aaron is a friend that teaches in Huangshi. This was just a bit from the KTV!!!
The guys were getting pepped up for the KTV adventure! L-R Nathan T., Paul, Nathan M., Kevin, and Aaron.
The girls getting pumped up about KTV! L-R Dawn, Erin, Mandi, Chelsie, Camille, Lesley, Me, Rebecca.
Sweet Mandi and I getting ready for our dessert!!
My Huangshi friends:-) We had such a wonderful time together!!!

2 Months...

Today marks my 2 months in China:-) I feel like I have lived here forever. Although, if I had maybe I would n't be so frustrated when I can't speak what I want to say or understand the person next to me!!! AHHHHH I will not let this language get the best of me!!! The last 2 weeks have been so busy!!! We had a wonderful Holiday the first 7 days of October. It was the Chinese National Day(Like our 4th of July). Many exciting celebrations and lots of traffic...lol well there is always lots of traffic but this was just heightened due to many people going to visit family and friends. Some friends and I went to Huangshi, a City about 2 hours away. We visited with our friends who teach there. It was a great time of hanging out, having girl time, massages, manicures(very cheap:-)), KTV(Chinese Karaoke), and relaxing!

After returning from Huangshi, I stayed the night in Wuchang, another area of Wuhan. I stayed with my friend Mandi! She teaches with some of my other friends at #1 High School. This is the School where Isabella attended!!! My friend Ryan has a connection on his computer to his parents TV:-) So I stayed up to watch the Rangers play baseball at 2am:-) We won!!! I was so excited to watch Baseball!!! My favorite sport of all time! My friend Kirk watched with me...it was nice to visit with the friends on the other side of town.

Then I got a little sick because the weather is starting to change and it was raining and cold...and we were walking out in it:-) So I rested at the end of the week. But Saturday Morning I was called in by my boss and the head of foreign affairs at my University. I was asleep when they called so I had to hurry and get ready and go. The asked me to organize the foreign teachers at our school and perform at the Universities Anniversary Gala!! WOW...I was a little overwhelmed. They were baiting me with things like, "We will give you a very nice DVD of your performance to take as a memory". I was thinking I have plenty of those...lol Then they said we will take you all out for a very nice dinner and int he spring we will take you on a trip paid for by the University. Now that's speaking my language:-) I LOVE to travel so the trip sounded amazing. SO I agreed! Then they told me I had 8 days until the performance....AHHHHH WHAT????? They knew I was sick...because I looked horrible. The Head of Foreign Affairs said "We need a strong leader! Do you think you can do it while you are sick?" I said, Well, my spirit is strong so we will see what happens.

From that point on my life became a hectic, stressful blob!!! LOL We had to teach on Sunday that week because of the holiday....we had to make days up(Oh CHINA!!! That's not a holiday when you make up the days!!!) So for 6 days I taught and I added a new class, I had rehearsals with the teachers every night and then we had 2 dress rehearsals on the stage to prepare. China is all about the "SHOW" of it all. Let me tell you....it was a show! The performance was last night and I am so glad it was over. I taught everyone a common line dance "Copperhead Rd". I had to make a slide show to be shown while we danced and played instruments. That was an ordeal in itself as well...Oh my, what a crazy week it was!

But, on a good note I was given 2 tickets to a Traditional Chinese dance and was able to go with my new Chinese friend and coworker to the awesome dance performance. We had a wonderful time together. We have been able to eat lunch together quite a bit and have had some great convos. She is such a sweet lady. The Father has been so faithful to provide chinese friends for me. I was also given a copy of my FAVORITE BOOK in Chinese/English this week. SOooo wonderful to be reading form it....i don't understand the Chinese yet, but one day I will:-)

Thursday I had a very disturbing thing happen to me. I will not go into detail about it but I was in a situation that was very scary and the Father took such care of me. I have not had a chance to trust Him in that way before. Most of the time I do not scare easily but this was different. It had quite an effect on me and that was part of the reason I have had such a rough last few days. The Father has really shown Himself strong to me. I would ask you to please PR for me to not be afraid and to fully Trust my Father....He is the only one I can fully rely on. He is my everything and literally, I have come to know Him so much more deeply in the last 2 months. I am willing to go through whatever I need to know Him more. I need to continue to cast my cares on Him, I know HE cares for me more than anyone! Such a comforting thought. I had a tough time sleeping that night due to horrible dreams but I just got up! I was in Wuchang to watch another baseball game so it was ok...but the next day I had the opportunity to go to one of my good friend's homes for lunch with her parents. She is a sweet chinese student that has become a very close friend. I have spoken about her before. She goes with me to help with my boxes!!! We were able to talk more about the Father and I am trying to get her a copy on My Favorite Book. She is so hungry for Him. Please PR for her heart and mind to be clear and open. She needs clarity and understanding. She has lots of questions. Her mom is very superstitious. This has caused many problems. I know the father is drawing her to Himself.

I will post ome pics for you all to see a little of what has been going on!!! I love you all and covet your PRs right now!!!! I am truly living the life that was made for me...it has been such a blessing to be here...right where HE wants me:-)

Friday, September 30, 2011


My last few blogs havent had pictures because I have had some trouble with my photo program:-( But I am going to hopefully post a few now!!! You will beable to figure out where they all belong if you have read the previous blogs:-)

Oh and the
exciting thing that I have not mentioned yet is that STARBUCKS opened!!!!!! It is located in Wanda...close to
was just about the most amazing day
ever:-) It will be a treat to go there since it is quite expensive but We were celebrating the Grand Opening and enjoyed it very much!!!!

Living My Dream...

This last week it hit me..."I am living my dream!?"...Yeah...I really am living where I have always wanted to be. Since I was 10 years old I knew this is where I wanted to be. I feel amazingly content here. I have been here 5 1/2 week and if I could just speak Chinese I think It would be perfect:-) That is one of the most challenging things right now...The language barrier:-( But, little by little...I will press on!

So I will begin with last weekend...I attended the Asian Basketball Championship game!!! It was China vs. Jordan in the final game and WE WON!!!! I was sporting the China flag on my Cheek and waving one in my hand!!! I went with a friend who teaches at a nearby school. We had a blast!!! The Chinese people were quite amused by us "Laouwai" (foreigners). I think we were the only American ladies in the place...We didn't stand out a bit;-) SOOOO Much fun!!!

Earlier in the weekend I hung out with some of my teammates and had a wonderful time of fellowship. Sat. Night my friend Jacqueline and I went to Hankou(another section of Wuhan) tot he crazy night market! We both had a great time venturing out in an unknown area and wondering around together. We bought a few things and were really excited to haggle some prices down:-) later that night after we got home I got a call from Paul, Jacq's husband, to say that her dad had unexpectedly passed away. I had been awake PRing for her, not knowing the reason but I knew that the Father wanted me to PR for her...maybe about stuff we had talked about that night. But they to hear this news, I was heartbroken for her. She and her husband are raising her 13yr old brother here in China with them. They are amazing people and I see the Father using them in a mighty way. Please keep them in your PRs as they are back in the states with their family for 2 weeks. I can not imagine how hard this must be but in my last talk with them before they left for the states I was so encouraged at how the Father was already working so mightily through this situation. Praise HIM!

I have been using Jacq's Bike since she left and i am enjoying riding all over my area of Wuhan:-) I have been to the supermarket a few times and Monday I went to a local coffee shop-E Coffee, for an afternoon of encouragement! I took my computer and My Favorite Book:-) I listened to 2 podcasts from my Hm fellowship and read!!!! Such a good time! I am enjoying all the "free time" I have here to spend with My Father! It is an unexplainable feeling to be in the place I have always wanted to be and getting to have more time to spend with Him. I'm so grateful for this time!!!

Teaching this week has been interesting...Monday was nothing to write home about:-) Wednesday, though, was quite amazing! I was talking to my classes about feelings. The Chinese students love to talk about their feelings:-) So it was great to hear more about them. I had each one write a paragraph about what they were feeling right at that moment and then share with the class. I loved this! They were quite good! Although, one student said he would change his feeling from sad to happy if I would let him sleep in class...I said NO WAY!!! The whole class laughed:-) Then I talked about how music affects our feelings. Byt he end of my class 2 students were crying...wow..it was pretty intense!!! I tend to make students cry...I did that in the states:-( Never my intention!!!! Thursday classes were very oposite! First class=AMAZING!!!! They are engineering majors...40 boy and 6 girls:-) Since they are my favorite...i asked them to help me come up with my Chinese name. I have been able to have a relationship with a few of these students outside of class so I thought it would be a good class to help me. Oh My Word was with an interesting experience. But I love the name I think I will stick with. Steven, raised his hand and said, "Ms. Chandler, I think I have a good name for you." He was very kind to help me find a name that sounded like my American name but with a good meaning(That's what he tried to tell me). Chen Mei, is my Chinese name. Since in Chinese the family name comes first he said "Chen" is similar to Chandler. "Mei" is the word for "beautiful". He said "I think this fits you very well." I think my face turned red at that point and all the other students laughed. Then his face turned red. LOL I was trying not to crack up! It was so cute!! But I like the sound of it and it is worlds better than the other options given....like the character for winter/snow, followed by the character for bird. Yeah....I was like, ok, what does this represent? He said, "I think you are like a bird flying through the snow...it is a very beautiful picture in my mind". Then I was thoroughly creeped out! He said "It is a pure and clean picture." that's nice but what will other people think when I tell them my name is "Snowbird"???? So, "Chen Mei" it is:-) The I found out that there is a famous violinist named "Chen Mei" also:-) This makes me happy! My second class on Thursday is the basketball team...yep...it's like I have to eat my dessert first and then take Vitamins:-( That class keeps me on my knees for sure!!! After the first 45 min. I just quit...I said "who...............UN_DER_STANdS........me????" like 10 guys and 1 girl raised their hand. I called them up and we had a heart to heart. I asked what in the world can I do to help the others to understand me?? The Biggest guy in my class(Vincent) said "You must interesting us"....I was like "what?"..."You need to teach us sport". I got the point....the last 45min I drew the basketball court on the board and we learned the English word for every basketball term(that I know). How the score works in English and how to speak the plays in English. I had 60% class participation at this point and felt like a "Winner"...lol at the end I said "China wins!!!....LEAVE!" They all laughed...oh and they also laughed when I made one student come up to the front and pretend to play defense while I had the ball....lol this was soooo funny!!!

Last night, I was invited by my University to attend a banquet celebrating the National Holiday. 6 of the foreign teachers here were invited and we had a great time. It was very Com..un..st, but a great experience!!! I was able to talk with some of the higher ups of the University and also visit with my Waiban. Chinese party's include lots of toasting(like random, toasting). They do many things for the "show" of it here. So the more toasts the better. The decorations were very elaborate and the entertainment...well, hilarious! It was such a fun experience to go and I am so grateful for the opportunity!!!

Please be PRing for the opportunity that the Father is giving me to have some relationships with other teachers at my school. I might be able to have coffee with a Chinese teacher this week on our National Holiday break. We get one week off...it's such a hard life living here;-) Today(One of the most stressful days I have had in Wuhan) I was able to spend with a sweet student I met at English Corner. She is precious!!! She came with me to try to figure out how to get my paper work done so my boxes will be delivered from customs....it si WAY too long to explain but PLEASE PR it will work out!!!! We spent all day at Customs offices and official Chinese offices only to end up getting no where and now there will be a week break for everyone....SO we need a Miracle! But back to the GREAT news!!! I was able to Share the Gspl with her today!!! YAYAY...If I never get those boxes I will always remember this day! She is very excited to know about the Father but also she is in a tough situation. I can not get into it but Please PR for her!!!! I know we will have a special friendship...we will call her LD.

Sorry this post ended up being so long....Love you all!!! Please remember that news from the mother land is always appreciated:-)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Peace like a River...

"When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, Whatever my lot though hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul!"

The Father has brought this hymn to my mind so many times this week. It has been such a hard week for me...But even through the hardships "He has taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul." Last Friday night I was able to have a wonderful dinner with Isabella and her family. They came to pick me up and went to an amazing Hot Pot place about a mile form my University!!! It was incredible to sit with them and enjoy a meal together, even though the only person I could talk to was Isabella. Her sister speaks English but she is very quiet. But somehow I fel like her parents and I conversed the whole evening. Through hand motions and a little bit of Chinese that I spoke we clearly understood one another:-) I told them how much I love Isabella and what a great job they did parenting her. They didn't really know how to respond so they laughed:-) Then her dad kept toasting with me:-) She told me later they said many things about me after they dropped me off. It was at this point that it hit me, She was leaving and I was going to have to say goodbye to her again. The first time, when she left Texas, I was able to say good bye easily. I knew we would meet again in a few months and even though it was hard, I had a focus on to the next thing. This time was so different. I sort of felt like I was losing her. When will I see her again? How is it going to be for her living in America, alone? How will she wake up on her own and get where she needs to go, etc. LOL I had all of these "Mothery" feelings and also the biggest burden was for her heart.
On Saturday my other teammates and I met at our teamleaders home for a wonderful day of encouragement and sharing. We got to hear each person's story of how they got to China and also just have time lifting different ones up to the father. It was an amazing day but at the end I was exhausted!!! I spent the night in Wuchang with my friend Mandi and she and our other friend Chelsie talked the night away!! So nice to visit with friends!
Sunday we took a taxi back to my side of town for Fellowship. I was not expecting to have such a rough day but when wrship started so did my tears. I don't think I was able to stop until after the whole service was over. I could not control it...they just kept coming. So many things were on my heart!!!! The Father is working on me right now...it is such a wonderful thing but wow, it is also painful! I really had to come to a place on Sunday where I let Isabella go. In many different areas but especially her soul. I long for her to know HIM!! I am so broken for the people here and their lostness but she is my baby! I love her and Fenja like my own. I didn't think that would be possible, but it happened and there's no going back:-) Wouldn't trade it for anything!!!!! SO needless to say, I was pretty broken on Sunday. After fellowship Isabella met us all at Aloha Diner and we had a great time visiting.
She was going to spend the day with Kirk and I one last time before heading to California. So after lunch we all came back to my place and changed for a great game of football(american soccer)!!! She loves football! She played at Magnolia High School:-) So it ended up being the foreigners(and Isabella) against the Chinese:-) Such a fun game....we did have 2 other Chinese on our team so it could be even. We played our hearts out! Then we came back to my apt for water and visiting:-) Such a great time together.
After everyone left Isabella, Kirk and I headed out for an adventure! We went to the local arcade that is close to Walmart and played games for a few hours and then decided to roller skate! Oh my this was quite an experience!!! The Chinese are amazing roller skaters. They skate like they drive...CRAZY!!!! I have not had that many random hand on me, EVER! they would speed past me and thankfully instead of plowing into the back of me they would touch my back to move me out of the way. Kinda awkward but I have learned that pretty much everything is awkward here so I just need to get used to it! After we skated until we couldn't skate any more we went to dinner at Korean BBQ!!! This was a blast...it was so late so we had to eat fast but basically you cook your own food in the middle of the table with a small BBQ contraption. LOL I got to be the BBQ'er so that was fun:-) I enjoyed it! We pretty much shut the place down and had to walk the mall to figure out how to get out:-) Then came the hardest part...saying goodbye:-( We PRed for Isabella before we left and my tears began to flow again. I think she is used to it....She lived with me for a year...lol. It was such a sweet time. After we were finished she looked at me and told me that she loved me and said, "I think this year I will believe." I was pretty amazed and had such a peace that she knows and needs time to process. Please be lifting her up to the Father as she begins this new Journey.
They got in different taxis and drove away and I decided to walk home. I love to walk at night....I begin to cry my eyes out at the goodness of the Father. So many things had to happen to get each of us to this pont. But What an amazing Journey HE has each of us on.
Monday was rough...classes were crazy! So I had the brilliant Idea to have my hair professionally curled...I mean when your having a bad day, having your hair done sounds great. The chinese people have permanent curl put into their hair and it looks great so i thought i would give it a try. My Chinese friend, Snow, went with me and told them what I wanted....5 hours and 2 tries later, I look like I stuck my finger in a light socket:-( Oh it was just not getting better. They I rushed home for my first Chinese lesson. I was pretty overwhelmed and tired and well, frustrated. I had realized earlier that day that one of the things I have been struggling with since I arrived is how selfish I am to "My Rights"! Wow, I had no idea!!! I mean, it should be my right to cross the street without getting honked at by the car that came out of nowhere and cut infront of me. It is my right to wait patiently in line without getting pushed into by 5 people that want to cut in front of me. It is also my right to have rules as a teacher and not get told how to enforce my teaching plans and goals. Yeah....I realize that if I am going to be completely yielded to the Father I HAVE to yield my rights about everything!!! The Father has provided a wonderful small group that I have been attending and being so fed. I realize I have so much to work on in the area of yielding! Please PR that I will be broken about this and fully yielded to HIM!
Tuesday I found out that my mom had been taken to the hospital and was being admitted. This was such a hard thing for me to release to Him. Yielding, again...not an easy thing for me. But HE has given so much peace and grace. My mom is going to be having tests tonight(for me) tomorrow(for US). She is in His hands!!
His grace is sufficient for me, His strength is made perfect in My weakness!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Longest Post EVER:-)

I'm sooooo sorry it has been so long since I have written! I think it has only been a little over a week but so much has happened I feel like this will be a long post...Are you ready??? OK, here we go!

Last week We had 3 special friends with birthdays! So I decided that since they were away from their families and friends we would surprise them at Aloha:-) I had some help getting each one there and it was such a fun night of visiting with friends and eating bday cake:-) That is a rare thing here...Chinese bday cake looks like sponge cake with whipped topping on top and then covered in fruit. It looks very pretty but the taste is just not like American bday cake.

Last Wednesday night we started our first Girls small group:-) This was lots of fun! I am excited to see who the Father brings and how He leads our group:-) Also, the 2 classes I teach on Wednesday are sooooo sweet:-) I think they are all easy to teach because they try so hard!! They also talk about me in Chinese quite a bit and then look at me and laugh...lol I am getting used to this...on a daily basis. When I question them they always say something about my jewelry, hair, etc. Oh and one boy always ends his answer with, "...Just like you so happily taught us, Teacher". LOL He is sooo cute...I have only taught them 3 weeks:-) He once told me "I have so many questions for you, Teacher, I just don't know how to speak them in English:-(" I told him it will get easier and he will be able to get the questions out...I want to know them so badly...He is a very thought provoking student. Today He wanted to tell me about his new job in a factory...he said he will make lots of money for his family but this is not what is important to him "Just like what you taught us, Teacher:-)" I didn't even remember talking about this but the things he takes away from my lessons are very interesting. Please keep him in your thoughts...I believe he is searching!!

Thursday...after teaching 2 very different classes(and scheduling my basketball practice with my class/team) Some of the foreign teachers were taken to the PSB(Public Security Bureau), It is like the Chinese police station/Visa office. We had to get our residence visas. I was a little nervous but there were no problems! It is a very interesting place. Now for the fait at heart you might want to skip this part...But I had managed to never have to use the squatty potty until this point. But, Unfortunately I had too much to drink at lunch and it was an emergency...So I cowgirled up and used the public squatty potty. This was not too bad of an experience. I had used them last time I was in China, but this Southern Belle just tries to avoid them at every cost. The worst thing about it is the smell:-( Just imagine the worst port-a-potty at the county fair being a 5 star toilet....yep...it's bad:-( In the Canteen where we eat lunch there are bathroom areas in the stair ways...I have to eat on the third floor and by the time I get there I am ready to puke! The smell is just everywhere....there is no door to keep the smell in...it's just there...I have learned when to hold my breath and then let it out:-) Oh the joys of China:-) After we left the PBS we went to a beautiful park. It was very interesting!! Exercise equipment(not like America) lined the park and people were out enjoying the day. We found a group of "Fan Dancers". These people were hard core!!! Men and Women! WOW we were all impressed! Then we went to dinner at a nice Chinese food restaurant. After dinner we walked about 3 more hours(before dinner we walked about 2hrs.) all around the different shopping streets of Hankou. This is a different district of Wuhan. Then we found the train and took it to the bus stop where we traveled about an hour back by bus. LONG DAY!!!

Friday!!! I woke up so excited because this was going to be my first day volunteering at the Aloha Diner! I believe this will be one of my most favorite days of the week:-) I had such a wonderful day working along side the Chinese cooks...I felt like a burden most of the time because my Chinese is so bad that we had to do motions most of the time...But they were so patient with me. I enjoyed it oh so much! I even got to go to METRO, the AMAZING German type grocery store with them and get some western cooking supplies!!! YAY!!! I learned so much! The Father is so good to give us just what we need and these people are already like a family to me:-)

Saturday I was going to have a lazy day and do some cooking...But in the afternoon I got a call to see if I would come back to Aloha and help bake an Apple Crisp for a party they were having that night:-) Oh this was such fun! I was on my way to Wal Mart(walking because the bus was so packed at the bus stop...I just didn't feel like I could handle it that day...So I walked all the way:-)) My place to Aloha isn't that far...I love the walking:-) So I got to spent the rest of the day cooking all sorts of fun stuff and helping out a little with the parties!! I felt so encouraged after leaving!

Sunday was a different day for us...This weekend China celebrated 2 different holidays, Teacher's Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. So as a celebration of these days our Waiban took us on a tour of Wuhan and then to a traditional orchestra concert Sunday night!! It was a great day. We started out at 8am and went to the Hubei Museum, then to lunch, then to a beautiful park on the East Lake. After the park we went to a Buddhist Temple. I will not say too much but this was a very hard thing for me. I have never been quite this affected by a temple. I have been on many tours of these type places but this was unlike any other. I will ask all of you to please PR for the people of Wuhan...I saw so much desire and longing in something that is dead. These people believe that this golden image will bring them hope and life and my heart was broken like it has not been before. I wept as I walked around PRing for these people that I love. It was quite a hard experience. But I think it was very necessary for me. We left here for dinner at a local Hot Pot restaurant! Then to the concert! I loved the concert...very different instruments but so beautiful!!!

OK, are you getting tired of reading??...lol sorry...

Monday was the actual Mid-Autumn Festival so we had the day off:) So my normal 3 day weekend turned into a 5day weekend:-) Be Jealous:-) Monday, I rested a little and them went to lunch with friends and then went with my German friend, Christine, to the store...lol WOW, this was an experience! I guess the thing to do on the festival day is go to the store...It was packed! The celebratory foor for the holiday is Moon Cake! See the picture! I found one with a treble clef:-) Soooo excited! These moon cakes have been in the stores for weeks! I had not had the guts to try one until Monday. I heard they were not very good...but for the sake of the holiday, Christine and I got a few different ones to try:-) Then She and I had dinner together. After the 5 hours trip was over we made it back home and went to the roof of our apt building and looked at the moon with friends:-)

Tuesday is my normal day off so I decided to get a few things done in the morning(Like work on my challenge of Memorizing Rom. 8 with my home fellowship). It has been perfect for me right now! Then I went to eat Muslim Noodles with some friends before we went to METRO!!!! YAY!!! I had been there with Aloha but I didn't get to browse...this time we just strolled along and looked at everything. It is very close to Sams Club. But the Chinese version, of course:-) I was very excited to get baking products, boneless, skinless chicken breasts and ground beef!!!! These things gave me such excitement!!! Then we came back by taxi...I had the privilege of sitting in the front...ok So riding in a Chinese taxi is similar to Nascar! There are no real rules of the road...the point is getting to the destination the fastest...No matter what! So He started off and we cut off about 10 ppl and then he started squeezing between buses and cars and swerving in and out, slamming on his breaks every 10 seconds as he honks...oh and them everyone honks...that's just what you do here. My nerves were so shot after I got out! WOW...I could not wait to get into my apt, in the quiet and just sit. LOL, this is a very usual reaction I have as I walk back from the bus or taxi or even walking!

Ok we are almost done here but I want to talk about one last thing! English Corner !! This will be a weekly occurrence on Tuesday nights on my campus and I am required to be there. Basically the students come and practice their English with us(foreign teachers). Of course non of my students came....lol But I had the most amazing time! I was greeted by a sweet boy who asked my where I was from and I replied "Texas"...he said.."Uhhh, United States?" Lol oh yes...I'm just a little Texan:-) So then he proceeded to ask about me and my interests and very quickly he asked if I was a Xian. I answered him and he began to tell me about his passionate sold out life to the Father. I began to tear up as He told me about his recent decision and baptsm. Ok, my friends...this boy was incredible...he started singing X songs and asking me if I knew them and if I would teach him more..He longs to Praise the father in song. He told me about how he shares on Campus and how recently one of our brothers was taken away. after talking for about and hour and a half he got a text and he said "Um, Melodie, I must go...My brothers are handing out the pamphlet on campus and I must help share the Gspl. I hugged him and we decided about a meeting time later this week. I will attend his family fellowship with him. I will also make a CD for him of some of my favorite X songs. While we were talking a girl came up and started asking question. She explained that she was very interested in knowing about the Father but didn't even know what questions to ask. She said I know you both have hope and I want that!! WOW...I am just blown away...She and her boyfriend will go with is to this "family fellowship". PLEASE be PRing for "Strong"(That's what we will call him for protection) and his family and our new friend and her boyfriend. The Father is working so mightily here and I just want to be used...I also ask for protection...I know this could be a little risky...but HE is protecting me. We will have quite a bit of travel time to visit so please remember to lift this time up!!! I just marveled in the goodness of the Father as I walked away last night...this excites me so much!!!

Ok I have gone on WAY long enough:-) I love you all and thank you so much for your faithful PRs and encouragement to me:-) I miss you so much but know I am where I need to be:-)