A day in China!

A day in China!

Monday, November 21, 2011

...You Make me throw up!!!

This blog is going to talk about the horrible things they do in China...and my horrible I mean nasty, grose, disgusting, disrespectful, makes this southern girl want to PUKE!!! Ok I think you get it! I always try to write uplifting, happy things but I felt it necessary to let you in on the OTHER parts of my life....so hold on to your seat...here we go...
1. When driving down the RD...line in the St mean nothing...drive where ever you get an opening. By that I mean, if you can hop the curb and drive on the sidewalk to get me there faster...then by all means DO IT! Don't think twice...
2. Car Seats? Oh we have never heard of these...? You mean the children that sit on parents lap in the front seat of the Taxi aren't safe? or better yet...the tiny little 3yr old clutched on to her parent as she sits on the back of the motor bike.
3. Please don't think that all of us here are waiting to check out at the store...I mean we just like standing and the check out...it's fun! Please push me out of the way and put your stuff on the counter and look at me like you don't care. Oh and lines? what are those? I mean it is more like, who can push harder and look more upset. In China we must weigh our produce and that can take hours if you don't like to just throw your stuff on the scale before someone else does...Just wait for the right moment and throw it!
4. BODILY FUNCTION....aren't we all proud of them? I mean hocking a lugie in the middle of class and spitting it on the floor while I'm teaching is no big deal. Please by all means burp as loud as you can at all times and spit everywhere...bus, Walmart, Class, Cafeteria, random restaurants...Oh and when your children need to go to the bathroom....just pull their pants down and let them go on the sidewalk or the flowerbeds or even hold them over the trash can if you are really kind:-) Please force your dogs to mate in the middle of the ST!!!! AHHHHH
5. Random dogs are totally allowed to run free in the classrooms....I mean they might have rabies and look and smell worse than the WC but let them roam anywhere they desire! Oh and please, students, hold them in your lap!
6. DRINK HOT WATER!!! It is the cure all!!! If it becomes fall, and by fall I mean the first day of October..wear all your winter clothes! Even if it's hot...and if you don't random Chinese women will walk up to you and yell at you and point to the parts of skin they see that need to be covered because you might die of Chill!
7. Manners? I don't think we have those...can you explain? Like when the bus comes to the stop and there are so many people on that you can't breathe....please people...keep coming...I'm sure that my bubble doesn't even exist anymore! Oh and if you think that i am in your way please push me as hard as you can to get past me or stand RIGHT in my face!! It's so much more fun that way....

OK....well, this is not even the tip of the ice burg but this happens...oh about everyday:-) Patience, and patience and patience and love oh and did I say patience....is greatly needed!!! PR FOR ME TO BE MORE PATIENT:-) I really love it here:-) for real!!! I just want you to understand....lol


  1. Ohhhhhh I remember! And what about using the bathroom, or not! Just standing on the side of the road and go, with someone squatting and eating their meal right beside them? I love it too!

  2. Patience is a virtue & you have both! It does feel good to have a venting :> Just remember the commercial of the one act of kindness that keeps going. You never know who you will touch by just saying thank you, excuse me, or HEY WATCH IT!!! (with that big Texas smile)...hehe! Luv u!!!
